Creating Clarity eBook
Creating Clarity eBook
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Creating Clarity: Transform Your Work with the Power of Visual Tools
Do you want more people to buy into your ideas? Are you frustrated with too many unproductive meetings?
Are you struggling to find your way in life? Do you need a new approach to solve the complex challenges of today?
If so, visual tools are your answer! In this book, Holger Nils Pohl will help you harness numerous visual tools to create value for your business, your customers, and even your private life. And it all starts with a simple but powerful three-stage process: Understand, Create, and Share.
However, Creating Clarity is more than just a toolkit, it also provides you with a new way of thinking that will help you successfully navigate the complex challenges of the 21st century by allowing you to communicate well with others and transform the chaos into clarity.
Creating Clarity was first published on Kickstarter in June 2022
It got tagged as "Project We Love" by the Kickstarter staff.
It funded within 24 hours.
And it raised 200% of its funding goal.
I'm excited to share that every book you order is shipped directly from Germany, where I personally sign and carefully pack your copy. 📚
Please note that because of this special attention, shipment might take a bit longer than usual, especially for international orders.
But don't worry, I've worked hard to keep the shipping costs as low as possible, varying by the weight of the books.
I hope my signature and the knowledge that you're buying directly from the author add a special touch that makes the wait worthwhile.
Thank you for supporting my work and happy reading!